Behind the Bar: The Most Annoying Customer Habits Revealed

Bartender Pet Peeves: The Little Things That Drive Them Crazy

Managing a bar can be a rewarding experience, but also a challenging one given the diverse range of customers that frequent these establishments. Bartenders often face a litany of irksome behavior from patrons, causing unnecessary stress and making their jobs harder than they need to be. Understanding these common pet peeves can help you be a more considerate customer and enhance your overall bar experience.

Annoying Customer Habits: What Not To Do At the Bar

From rudeness to impatience, here are some of the most aggravating habits customers exhibit, according to bartenders:

1. Snapping Fingers or Waving Hands: One of the biggest complaints from bartenders is the audacious act of snapping fingers or waving hands to get their attention. This behavior is generally considered rude and degrading.

2. Not Knowing What to Order: Another frustrating habit is approaching the bar without knowing what you want to order, especially during busy times. It delays service for everyone else.

3. Ignoring Other Customers: Some customers have a knack for being oblivious to the presence of others as they hog the bartender’s attention for extended periods, which frustrates both the staff and fellow patrons.

4. Insisting on Freebies: Constantly begging for free drinks or expecting complimentary items can be very discouraging for bartenders who are there to make a living.

An Insider’s Guide to Bar Etiquette: How to Behave Like a Pro

If you want to become a favorite customer who gets exceptional service and enjoys memorable evenings, understanding and adhering to bar etiquette is crucial. Here’s a guide that’s sure to make your bartending experience smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved:

Approach the bar with confidence and courtesy at all times, acknowledge the bartender’s presence but wait patiently for your turn to order. When you’re ready, clearly communicate your order without shouting. It’s also recommended to maintain a polite demeanor even when correcting a mistake in your order. A little consideration goes a long way.

Enhancing the Bar Experience for Everyone

The key to a great night out often lies in the collective behavior of all patrons. To ensure that everyone, including the bartenders, has a good time, consider the following:

Respecting Personal Space: Bars can get crowded, but that doesn’t mean personal space should be disregarded. Be mindful of others when moving around or settling in for a drink.

Handling Alcohol Responsibly: Excessive drinking not only puts you at risk but also affects the overall atmosphere of the bar. Know your limits and drink responsibly.

Being Gracious: A simple ‘Thank You’ or a smile can make a bartender’s night. Showing appreciation for the effort bartenders put in can significantly enhance your bar experience.

Bar Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts: A Comprehensive Checklist

Bartenders appreciate customers who respect the unwritten rules of bar etiquette. Here’s a checklist to guide you:


  • Tip generously and fairly.
  • Be patient, especially during busy times.
  • Use ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ frequently.


  • Pound on the bar to get attention.
  • Monopolize the bartender’s time.
  • Complain excessively or loudly.

Improving Bar Service: How Customers Can Help

Bartenders work hard to provide excellent service, but customers can play a role in enhancing the overall experience. Here’s how:

Being respectful and understanding toward bartenders can improve your service significantly. When you enter the bar, acknowledge the busy nature of their work and be ready with your order. Simple gestures such as putting away empty glasses or bottles can make a big difference. Also, avoid crowding around the bar area too much to allow free movement of bartenders and other patrons.

Unpleasant Bar Customer Habits That Should Be Avoided

Certain behaviors at the bar can be particularly unpleasant and should be avoided. Here are a few:

Overindulgence: Drinking way beyond one’s limit and causing a scene is both embarrassing and disruptive for everyone.

Arguing Over Prices: Bar pricing isn’t up for debate. Constantly challenging the cost of drinks indicates a lack of respect for the establishment and its staff.

Frequent Phone Use: Using phones excessively can be a nuisance, especially when you’re at the bar to enjoy a social atmosphere.

Most Annoying Customer Habits: What Bartenders Wish You Knew

Bartenders often wish customers knew the impact of their actions. The most annoying habits include:

1. Leaving a Mess: Spilling drinks and leaving the bar area dirty is a common vexation for bartenders. Cleaning up after yourself shows consideration for the staff.

2. Cutting the Line: Jumping ahead of others who have been waiting patiently is not only rude but disruptive.

3. Picky Ordering: While it’s fine to have preferences, being overly picky and making complex orders during busy times can delay service for everyone.

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